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Pellet and wood appliances have distinctive features, but some of the main advantages that pellet appliances have over wood-burning ones are as follows:
- the TIMER function, which allows you to turn the appliance ON and OFF automatically on the basis of programmed times and days, by saving up to six different programs;
- continuous automatic charging of the flame: the tank will ensure that the brazier has the exact amount of pellets according to the power usage. Conversely, with wood appliances you need to open the door about once every hour to load with wood;
- the possibility of controlling the stove or fireplace via the Piazzetta mobile APP.
You can have total control from your smartphone or tablet wherever you are.
Unlike the traditional pellet stove, in the thermo pellet stove is connected to the heating system and can also produce domestic hot water. Indeed, in addition to radiating heat directly into the interior, pellet stoves in the DHW version can directly produce domestic hot water. Thermo pellet stoves can be connected to different types of plumbing/heating systems: radiators, convector heaters, underfloor heating, and can be used as an alternative to a boiler or as a supplement to the traditional plant.
As stated in the standard UNI 10683: 2012 - paragraph 6.3.2 - the installation room must not be a bedroom unless it is an airtight installation or is an appliance with a closed firebox with ducted intake of combustion air from the outside. Furthermore, it must not be placed into a lower pressure status compared to the external environment, due to a reverse draft caused by the presence in the installation room of another firebox or other appliance with a suction device (e.g. forced ventilation systems or other heating systems with the use of ventilation for air exchange).
To figure out how many kilowatts are needed to heat 100 square metres you need to calculate the minimum required thermal input. The value is expressed in Kilowatts and it is obtained by a mathematical formula that considers the cubic metres to be heated and the thermal coefficient indicating the calories (to be converted into kilowatts) needed for each cubic metre. This coefficient varies according to the heating conditions of the home and its geographic position (north, centre, south).
Taking as an example a surface area of 100 square metres with ceilings of 2.70 m, in an area that is not too cold, the volume is obtained by multiplying the surface by the height: 100 m² x 2.70 m = 270 m³
Now the cubic metres obtained are multiplied by the thermal coefficient, the value that indicates the calories needed to heat every cubic meter. This varies according to the heating conditions of the home and its geographic position. In our country, this coefficient varies between a minimum of 30 and a maximum of 40.
Following our example, lets look at an average value of 35 kcal/m². To calculate the heating demand in kilo calories (kcal), the volume must be multiplied by the heating coefficient: 270 m³ x 35 kcal/m² = 9,450 kcal. Now, in order to covert the kilocalories into kilowatts, you must divide this number by 860: 9,450/860 = 10.98 kW. With this data we know that we need a minimum of 11 Kilowatt to heat the proposed 100 sq.m. We should remind you that it would be wise to ask a qualified thermo-technician to do these calculations for you after a careful inspection of your home.
Of course. Pellet stoves can be installed in any type of home. The important thing is to comply with the instructions in the installation, user and maintenance manual regarding system characteristics: it is essential to ensure an external air inlet of an appropriate size and an appropriate flue gas extraction system. As indicated in the UNI 10683 standard: collective flues are not allowed nor can you connect up extraction ducts from kitchen hoods of any kind or from any other kind of discharge from other generators into the same chimney or smoke duct.
However, you are allowed to have a system composed of a fireplace and baking oven with a single discharge point towards the chimney flue and the manufacturer must provide the constructional characteristics for the fitting of the flue gas ducts.
Pellet appliances have a standard timer that allows you to turn your stove or fireplace on and off automatically according to pre-set times and days. This feature allows you to save up to a maximum of six programs, and one single operating cycle per program.
Operating cycle means a period between a start time and a stop time during which the stove or fireplace is made to operate. You may choose which days to adopt a chosen program.
The plant log book, in force since 15 October 2015, is mandatory and is used to record all air conditioning and heating systems, stoves, boilers, air conditioners and heat pumps. Compared to the provisions in Italian Presidential Decree no. 74/13, it specifies that, in addition to the recording of all the heating and air conditioning systems, a complete diagnosis needs to be conducted to check on their safety and health status.
It must be prepared and filled in when there is the installation of a new heating plant or during the first control and maintenance intervention performed by qualified personnel. The log book must be filled in by the plant manager who is normally the owner of the house and they should independently complete their plant log book. To make things easier you can ask the maintenance operator to do it on his/her next inspection or maintenance visit for the heat generator; he/she will be able to fill it in for you.
Maintenance intervals for efficiency are at the discretion of the individual Regions, and may vary from two to four years. The log book is single - i.e. it is not for one product or heat generator but the whole household - and includes several sheets that must be duly filled in according to the type of plant.